Happy New year

Well by the time you read this it will probably be 2019. Happy New year to all of you! From my family to yours, May the New year bring prosperity and happiness!

A New Year

Christmas is over and we're staring down at the nineteenth year in the century about to begin. Happy New Year everyone! But is it the nineteenth year or the twentieth? When it turned from 1999 to 2000, the first year of the new century was the year 2000. Carry that forward, and it means while... Continue Reading →

Gnome versus KDE Plasma

First a pronunciation lecture. Gnome is not pronounced like the garden decoration pronounced "Nome." I know. I know. Linux is weird. The Linux/BSD Gnome is pronounced.... wait for it.... wait for it.... Ga-Nome. If you don't believe me, look it up. Despite many YouTube videos posted by amateurs, it's not Nome, it's Ga-Nome. So this... Continue Reading →

Tongue Twisters

From the pen of Wayne Boyd comes three family tongue twisters that I wrote just for you! Read them as slowly as you like, preferably out loud with your friends and family! 1: Fairly Pleasant A fairly pleasant feathered pheasant flew to Fort Pierce swamps in Florida, which form the ferns that fairly pleasant feathered pheasants find... Continue Reading →

Bits and Pieces

Fedora​​ It's what Linus Torvalds uses. He invented Linux. Rumor has it that he also has used OpenSUSE. He's put in a good word to Ubuntu for making Debian accessible. Rude Crude Dude I sued the rude crude dude with the messed up attitude for being lewd and stealing food. He even did it in the nude!... Continue Reading →

Is the Earth Flat?

You can find many conspiracy theories on the Internet. One such theory is that NASA has been lying to us all along. They are hiding the most shocking truth from all of us: the earth is really flat. In this video, the late Stephen Hawking sent some believers of the flat earth theory to investigate... Continue Reading →

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